
miércoles, 26 de diciembre de 2012

Ejemplo de Node.js y Oracle

Usando el node Oracle database driver (link) (npm install oracle): 
var oracle = require("oracle");

oracle.connect({ "hostname": "localhost", "user": "test", "password": "test" }, function(err, connection) {
  // selecting rows
  connection.execute("SELECT * FROM person WHERE name = :1", ['bob smith'], function(err, results) {
    // results will be an array of objects

  // inserting with return value
    "INSERT INTO person (name) VALUES (:1) RETURNING id INTO :2",
    ['joe ferner', new oracle.OutParam()],
    function(err, results) {
      // results.updateCount = 1
      // results.returnParam = the id of the person just inserted


  connection.commit(function(err) {
    // transaction committed

  connection.rollback(function(err) {
    // transaction rolledback

  connection.close(); // call this when you are done with the connection

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